1. 阳台在营造居室气氛围上起着至关重要的作用,好的阳台设计是将大客厅与宽间的落地阳台及室外景色有机的融为一体,豁然开朗的视线总是能给居者一份清新、爽快的心情。
To create an atmosphere in the living room balcony on the gas plays a vital role, a good balcony design is the large living room with wide terrace and outdoor landing between the organic and integrated view, a clear insight into a line of sight is always to give the Home fresh, refreshing mood.
2. 本文介绍了信号处理中的一种新的分析工具——高阶统计量,并与传统的子宽间旋转不变技术和多重信号分类技术相结合进行波达方向估计。
A novel class of analysis tool in signal processing-Higher-Order Statistics is presented in this thesis.
3. 宽间
3. 在新建立的SCOT柱色谱理论模型基础上,利用积分变换矩分析及数理统计理论,证明了SCOT柱色谱峰保留时间与半峰宽间的一般关系是一双曲线关系。
In this paper a theoretical model for SCOT column has been presented - A general relation between retention time and the time of half-width of elution peak for SCOT column is obtained as follows; Equation (I) is a hyperbolical equation.
4. 宽间的近义词
4. SCOT柱色谱峰保留时间与半峰宽间关系的理论探讨
A Theoretical Approach to the Correlation of Retention Time with Peak Half-Width for SCOT Column
5. 每百分之一的钴在正型铁氧体中所导致的最大与最小的线宽间的差值约为4奥。
For each percent of cobalt the maximum directional variation of linewidth may be of the order of 4 oersted.
6. 单一MeJA处理组最大叶长平均值最小与对照及其它处理间差异显著;各处理的最大叶宽间差异不显著。
The treated group which only spray MeJA had minimum average maximum leaf length and the differences among the control group and other treated groups reached significant level, there was no obvious difference among all of the treated groups on maximum leaf width.