

家累[jiā lěi]

词典family burden家累。

词典family cares家务累赘;家累。

家累 汉英大词典

家累[jiā lěi]

family burden; family cares:


    be encumbered with a large family

家累 双语例句

1. 家累是什么意思

1. 当你在同来访的亲戚,它总是好的做法,问他们有家累圣经杂志或任何媒介上geneological历史记录。
    When you are visiting with relatives, it is always good practice to ask if they have a family Bible, journal, or any medium on which geneological history has been recorded.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 我因为家累,被迫放弃出国机会。
    Encumbered with a family, I have to give up the opportunity of going abroad.

3. 家累在线翻译

3. 更有那些有家累的人问我,有多少可怜的孩子靠我温饱。因此我决定用这本书来回答这纇的问题。
    Others have been curious to learn what portion of my income I devoted to charitable purposes; and some, who have large families, how many poor children I maintained.

4. 僧伽。它是指放弃世俗家累而致力心智开展的出家修行人,他们所组成的神圣团体。
    The Sangha. It refers to the holy order of monks who have renounced their worldly life for their spiritual development.

5. 机器人能为人做保姆,帮妈妈做家务,让妈妈不再为家中劳累,为家累得生病。
    Nanny robot can do much to help his mother with household chores so that her mother was not home tired, so tired home sick.
