

家徒四壁[jiā tú sì bì]

词典have nothing but the bare walls in one's house家徒四壁。


词典a family with nothing but four walls家徒四壁。


词典a house empty [bare] of all furniture

词典as poor as a church mouse赤贫, 一贫如洗。

家徒四壁 汉英大词典

家徒四壁[jiā tú sì bì]

have nothing but the bare walls in one's house; a family with nothing but four walls; a house empty [bare] of all furniture; as poor as a church mouse; be utterly destitute; He has nothing except his own shadow within the four walls of his house.; (as) poo

家徒四壁 网络解释

1. 家徒四壁的近义词

1. To be as poor as job:Call a spade a spade 直言不讳 | To be as poor as job 家徒四壁 | Reap what one has sown 咎由自取,玩火自焚,惹火烧身,作茧自缚,自作自受,自食其果,自掘坟墓,飞蛾扑火

2. as poor as Job:talk through one's hat胡言乱语 | as poor as Job家徒四壁 | neither fish nor fowl不伦不类,非驴非马

3. a house empty of all furniture; very poor:760. 四平八穩 (affair) very well disposed indeed | 761. 家徒四壁 a house empty of all furniture; very poor | 762. 四海一家 The whole world is one family.

4. 家徒四壁的意思

4. as poor as a church mouse:11. 六神無主 stunned out of one's wits | 12. 家徒四壁 as poor as a church mouse | 13. 良藥苦口 Good advice is never pleasant to the ear.
