1. 宣抚的反义词
1. 从绍兴三年九月开始,诸大将统兵体制开始形成,其特征是担任制置使和宣抚使的诸将的防区开始稳定:在辖区重合的同级军事机构设置或在同一机构内部同级军事职官职权划分上,军事上以诸大将为主;在军队编制上,兵力逐渐向诸大将集中。
Ater june of the fourth year which be called jianyan, another military institution called zhenfushi was built on the front area, and the old system was be maintained in other areas.
2. 此一时期地方军事领导体制的特点是既统又分,在统的方面,地方上在设立制置使、宣抚使、督府等大区域指挥机构的同时,对战区内部各统军机构权力又进行归并,并通过战区首长互兼和设立策应司、节制司等机构的方式加强战区之间的联系;在分的方面,战区内部又设立副使、分司和镇抚使、招抚使等小区域军区,地方州府则设置节制司,统辖驻地军队。
After the war against the Jin dynasty during the xiaozng periods, the movement of defense point of the army became a normal state, which caused the change of the relationship of those military institutions, the leaders of the prefecture and anfushi in the defense areas attained more military power., During the later period, for the consecutive war, the setting of the local military institution greatly changed.
3. 1913年至1927年,这里先后成为江苏都督府、江苏督军署、江苏将军府、江苏督办公署、副总统府、宣抚使署、五省联军总司令部、直鲁联军联合办事处等机构。
Years to 1927, this has become Dudu Fu Jiangsu, Jiangsu warlord Department, the General Administration of Jiangsu, Jiangsu supervision of the Office, Office of the President, Vice, so as to enable us Xuan Fu, the five provinces and coalition headquarters, the offices of the Joint Direct Lu coalition, And other agencies.
4. 四川地区由于情况特殊,长期设置安抚制置使和宣抚使,统揽军政大权,并在沿边地区以都统制兼驻地守臣和安抚使。
Zonglingsuo had the power and duty to report the conditions of the army, and had the power to supervise and examine the solider-recruiting and promoting of the officers.