

客饭[kè fàn ]

词典a meal specially prepared for visitors at a canteen客饭。

词典set meal套餐;客饭;份儿饭。

词典table d'hote份儿饭;客饭,公司餐。


词典prix fixe<法>客饭,客饭的定价。


词典setting meal客饭。

客饭 汉英大词典

客饭[kè fàn]

(供客人的饭) a meal specially prepared for visitors at a canteen

客饭 网络解释

1. table d'hote:5) 点菜方法:菜单的安排可分为客饭(table d'hote)及逐一点菜(a'la carte)二种. 前者在菜单上列有「晚餐」(dinner)、午餐(lunch)或今日主菜(today's speical, chief's special)等字眼. 这类型只须点一主菜,而各种小菜点心,

2. 客饭的解释

2. set meal:Cantonese cuisine 广东菜 | set meal 客饭 | curry rice 咖喱饭

3. setting meal:setting in 开始 | setting meal 客饭 | setting off 使爆炸

4. prix fixe:privy 个人的 | prix fixe 客饭 | prix 奖金

客饭 双语例句

1. 每客五美元的客饭四份。
    One of a group of four identical things.

2. 客饭的翻译

2. 你要吃客饭或者要点菜?
    Would you like the dinner or a la carte?

3. 有午餐的客饭菜单吗?
    Be there a set menu for lunch?

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 我很喜欢到随便什么地方吃一餐客饭
    I was very fond of dining at table d'ho^ te anywhere.

5. 我们必须快速供应许多客饭
    We must cook fast many meals.

6. 每客五美元的客饭四份。
    Four dinners at $5 a head.

7. 客饭的意思

7. 请注意,在乘坐前千万不要吃诺特草莓农场在土豆泥里拌了很多肉卤团的鸡肉客饭
    Mind you, don't have one of Knotts Berry Farm's chicken dinners beforehand with generous dollops of gravy pooled into mashed potato

8. 客饭的反义词

8. 请注意,在乘坐前千万不要吃诺特草莓农场在土豆泥里拌了很多肉卤团的鸡肉客饭
    Mind you, don't have one of Knotts Berry Farm's chicken dinners beforehand with generous dollops of gravy pooled into mash ed potato

9. 客饭的翻译

9. 餐馆客饭以其周日早午餐,服务最好的巧克力甜点自助餐之一。
    The restaurant Table d'Hote is renowned for its Sunday brunch and serve one of the best chocolate dessert buffet.

10. 份饭,客饭:固定价格供应的正餐式的份饭;客饭
    A full-course meal served at a fixed price; table d'h? te.

11. 客饭餐厅。从Prix fixe看,是指一种固定价格,可以选菜的餐馆,类似中国的快餐形式。
      Prix fixe:A complete meal of several courses, sometimes with choices permitted, offered by a restaurant at a fixed...

12. 客饭的解释

12. 客饭餐厅。从Prix fixe看,是指一种固定价格,可以选菜的餐馆,类似中国的快餐形式。
      Prix fixe:A complete meal of several courses, sometimes with choices permitted, offered by a restaurant at a fixed price.

13. 今天阴天和很热。我不忙。后一回到家我就午睡了。我晚饭吃鳝鱼客饭
      Today was cloudy and hot. I was not busy. I took a nap once returned home.

14. 客饭的解释

14. 如果你订了一桌客饭晚餐,你得为整个晚餐付款,即使你没有动过(吃过)几道菜。
      If you order a tabled'hote dinner, you pay the price fixed for the entire dinner, even if you do not have some of the dishes.

15. 客饭是什么意思

15. 请注意,在乘坐前千万不要吃诺特草莓农场在土豆泥里拌了很多肉卤团的鸡肉客饭
      Mind you, don't have one of Knotts Berry Farm's chicken dinners beforehand with generous dollops of gravy pooled into mashed potato.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 许多餐馆中午都提供价钱合理的客饭
      Many restaurants do a very reasonable set menu at lunchtime.

17. 客饭账单是12美元多。
      The bill for dinner was over twelve dollars.
