

Wan Wei Shan;
宛委山 双语例句

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1. 规划面积10.8平方公里,内含越中名胜大禹陵、香炉峰、宛委山、若耶溪等,是以风景名胜为依托,融合历史文化、山水风光、民俗风情于一体的集住、行、游、购、娱的度假区。
    It is designed with 10.8 square kilometers and tourists may enjoy places like Dayu's Tomb, Xiaolu Peak, Wanwei Hill and Ruoye Brook. By combining places of interest with history, culture, natural scenery and folk customs, the attraction is a place for accommodation, travel, shopping and entertainment.

2. 整个度假区分为六个功能区:大禹陵游览区、香炉峰游览区、宛委山景区、现代游乐区、田园风光和度假别墅区。
    The whole attraction is divided into six areas with different functions: Dayu's Tomb area, Xiaolu Peak area, Wanwei Hill area, modern entertainment area, countryside scenery area and villa area.
