1. 这两个本子都是宋本。
Both of these are Song Dynasty block-printed editions.
2. 的新任总经理是原总经理山东永安宋本亮。
The new general manager is the former general manager of Shandong Yongan Song Benliang.
3. 宋本
3. 嗯,已正式任命宋本亮是否取得成功的经验,济南市原有的百货商店成为话题的关注。
Well, has formally appointed Song Benliang whether to the success of the original experience to Jinan Department Store to become a topic of concern.
4. 宋本的反义词
4. 宋本考 :蜀刻纪略。
Song ben kao: Shu ke ji lüe.
5. 第三章:从文献考述及版本订正的角度,选取明代翻刻宋本历代著录中有问题的个案进行考辨。
The third chapter selects individual case having problems in bookmaking contents of past ages of the woodblock of the Song Dynasty books reprinted in the Ming Dynasty to examine and distinguish from the view of checking and specifying documents and rectifying edition.
6. 宋本的近义词
6. 本文旨在收集日本中世有关宋本传承的史料,勾勒出现在还不甚明了的两宋刻本东渐之大致经纬。
This paper discusses editions of Song Dynasties handed down to Japan in medieval Age with historical accounts, and outlines its path eastward to Japan.
7. 今天我们所见到的《宋本玉篇》虽然经历了几次较大的改动,但基本上还是沿袭了原本《玉篇》的内容和体例,也因此成为汉魏六朝至宋代的文字“化石”之一。
After a few considerable modifications, the present YuPian of Song Dynasty edition commonly used by us still follows the content and system of YuPian of the original edition; ther.
8. 宋本的解释
8. 宋人话本并无原始的宋本传世,现存的多系元明时期刊印,故后人的窜改就势不可免。
The original script for story-telling in Song folk literature has never been handed down, and the versions available now are mostly printed during Yuan and Ming period, so modifications by later generations are unavoidable.
9. 宋本
9. 有称为残宋本蜀刻的,实是闽本之误。
What is called Shu edition of Song is actually the Min edition.
10. 第五章:阐明明代翻刻宋本出版兴盛的社会文化背景、意义及明代翻刻宋本的版本价值。
The fifth chapter clarifies social and. cultural backgrounds and significance of publishing and prevailing, and edition values of the reprinted woodblock books of the Song Dynasty.
11. 宋本是什么意思
11. 第二章:通过文献搜集、统计以及比较分析,从图书内容、出版者、刊刻时间及地域分布三方面,阐明明代翻刻宋本出版状况。
The second chapter illustrates its publishing status in three respects which include the content of books, publishers, printing and carving time and geographical distribution by collecting, counting up, and comparing and analyzing documents.
12. danci.911cha.com
12. 比较宋本《伤寒论》与宋前《伤寒论》传本,认为《伤寒论》原貌并非按三阴三阳病篇序列,而是按汗吐下可与不可体例编排;
By comparing the Song edition of Shang Han Lun with that of the pre-Song poriod, it is claimed that the original order of this book was not arranged on the sequence of3-yin and3-yang.
13. 关于《宋本广韵》版本几个问题的探讨英文版本与中文版本倘出现任何歧义,概以中文版本为准。
If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail for all purposes.
14. 本文将对原本残卷的全部反切与宋本反切进行比较,初步探讨两种雅音的异同,展现中古语音发展变化的情形。
In order to achieve a thorough and objective understanding of these two different pronunciations, this paper attempts to compare all the fan qie in the original edition to the corresponding part of the edition written in Song Dynasty.