




宇观 双语例句

1. 给出了宇观天体和微观粒子质量、半径的统一计算式,计算结果与实验基本相符。
    The unified calculation formulas of the mass and the radius of cosmo-scopic heaven bodies and microsopic particles are given, by which the calculation results basically tally with the experiments.

2. 宇观的反义词

2. 对宇观模拟,本论文认为多尺度能量最小模型是其很有希望的雏形,并通过它在求解大型循环床的整体流场中的具体应用展示了其前景,也改进了其某些关联式和算法。
    For macro-scale simulations, we consider that the Energy Minimization MultiScale Model is a promising framework for further development.

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3. 爱因斯坦于1917年在他的理论中引入了宇宙学常数,它表征一种宇观的斥力,以平衡万有引力。
    In 1917, Einstein invented a fudge factor known as the cosmological constant, a sort of cosmic repulsion to balance gravity and keep the universe in balance.

4. 本论文致力于流态化中相对薄弱的小于颗粒尺度的微观模拟和大于宏观不均匀结构尺度的宇观模拟。
    On the other hand, macro-scale simulation aims to a statistical description of meso-scale structure, so as to provide a low resolution but high efficiency and reasonable simulation of large systems.

5. 给出了宇观天体、微观粒子质量和半径统一用普朗克质量m_和普朗克长度r_度量的表示式,讨论了宇观天体和微观粒子之间通过普朗克粒子发生相互关联的某些规律。
    Some regularities of the interrelation between cosmocosm celestial body and microcosmic particle passing Planck particle are discussed.

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6. 因而就不再是人们用先在的空间感去认识空间了,我们的空间感也由技术开辟出来(没有技术发展开辟出的微观和宇观空间,就没有我们只能通过想象力和概念来把握的此种空间感)。
    Space is not cognized by prior space perception. Technology opens up man`s space perception (without microcosmic space and cosmic space ushered in by the development of technology, there would be no such space perception only seized through imaginative power and conception).

7. 分析了热力学中的温度、天体物理学中的黑洞温度和统计物理学中的特征温度的意义,讨论了温度概念向宇观和微观领域扩展。
    In this paper the writer analyzes the meanings of temperatures in thermodynamics, of black hole temperatures in astrophysics and of feature temperatures in statistical physics and also discusses the widened denotation of temperatures in both macro and micro fields.

8. 宇宙射线联系于宇宙的形成、天体的演化、空间的环境和宇观环境中的高能物理过程。
    Cosmic Rays linked with the cosmogony, the evolution of stars, the matter distribution in space and the high energy physics processes in the cosmic environment.

9. 典型时空中的运动效应和宇观红移现象
    The kinematic effect in the classical domains and the red shift phenomena of extragalactic objects

10. 在宇观过程中,万有引力常起重要的作用,而等离子态是最普遍的物态,宇观概念将帮助我们更深刻地认识无机界的物质过程。
    The cosmoscopic concept will aid tn understanding more deeply material processes in the inorganic world.

11. 宇观的反义词

11. 无论是宇观系统,还是微观系统,亦无论是有机生命和生态系统,还是社会、人类思维和心理系统,所有系统的功能,与其内部结构之间,都有着紧密的联系。
      No matter universe system, or micro_system, no matter organic living and ocology system, or society, human thought, and mentality system, the function of these systems, have close relationship with the structure of themselves.

12. Planck大数A、Dirac大数D和宇观、微观世界的相互关系
      Interrelation of Planck Large Number A, Dirac Large Number D and Macrocosm, Microcosm

13. 宇观孤立系统的熵
      Entropy of Cosmoscopic isolated system

14. 宇观什么意思

14. 宇观过程的特征
      The Characteristics of Cosmoscopic Processes
