

子孙后辈 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 那只会是新的忧虑,新的恐慌伴随每一天;并且你后辈子孙的成长健康对你会至关重要。
    It is only to have new fears, new quivering sensibilities, with every day; and the health of your children's children grows as touching a concern as that of your own.

2. 子孙后辈什么意思

2. 在当前的繁荣盛世里,我们仍然要表现出我们的勇气,以便正面面对问题而不是将问题遗留给子孙后辈
    We must show couragein a time of blessing by confronting[21] problems instead of passing them on to future generations.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 以中国传统对殉葬的重视,对遗体的处置与安葬,是家属尤其是后辈子孙的义务也是权利。
    The traditional Chinese emphasis on the sacrificial victims, the disposition of the remains and burial, are family members, especially younger children is the obligation to right.

4. 佩佩的家庭只是千万油田家庭中的一个缩影,还有无数的无名英雄们在油田战线上为祖国的石油石化事业奉献了青春,奉献了生命,奉献了子孙后辈
    Peggy`s family is just one epitome of millions of the oil field families, millions of the nameless heroes on the oil field dedicate their youth, lives, and offspring to the oil and petrochemical industry.
