

嫁祸于人[jià huò yú rén]

词典shift the blame on others嫁祸于人。


词典bring trouble to others嫁祸于人。

词典bring evil on another maliciously嫁祸于人。

词典lay one's own fault at sb. else's door嫁祸于人。


嫁祸于人 汉英大词典

嫁祸于人[jià huò yú rén]

shift the blame on others; bring trouble to others; bring evil on another maliciously; lay one's own fault at sb. else's door; put one's misfortunes onto other people's shoulders; shift [put] the blame on to others; shift the misfortune [blame] onto sb. el

嫁祸于人 网络解释

1. shift the blame on sb:put the blame at the door of another 把责任推到别人的头上 | shift the blame on sb. 嫁祸于人 | take the blame 负过失的责任

2. to shift the blame onto others:怨声载道 voices of discontent are heard everywhere | 嫁祸于人 to shift the blame onto others | 嗟来之食 food handed out in contempt
