娘姨[niáng yí]
娘姨[niáng yí]
[方] maidservant
1. 娘姨的近义词
1. 今天,我没写作文。(哦也,终于不一样了一回)今天我彪悍了一回,误了火车,人生完整了。明天的明天的明天等着罚钱吧,娘姨,我欠你的e16e13
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you and loved the sorrows of your changing face.
2. 娘姨的解释
2. 梳头娘姨金妈站在姨太太背后,微笑地弄着手里的木梳。
Chin Mah, the hairdresser maid, stood behind the concubine, smiling to herself and toying with a comb.
3. danci.911chaxun.com
3. 30,大脚娘姨辣住飞,非司法脱脸盘肥。
1Large feet; 2face fat 3thirsty; 4hungry
4. 用纸镇镇住桌上的文件阿眉,叫娘姨给何老伯倒茶来。冯云卿一面说,一面就让何慎庵到朝外的炕榻上坐了。
Anchor paper on the desk with a paperweight " Mei-thing, run and tell the maid to serve tea, " said Feng Yun-thing, then offered Ho Shen-an a seat on the couch.
5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
5. 用纸镇镇住桌上的文件阿眉,叫娘姨给何老伯倒茶来。冯云卿一面说,一面就让何慎庵到朝外的炕榻上坐了。
Anchor paper on the desk with a paperweight " Mei-thing, run and tell the maid to serve tea," said Feng Yun-thing, then offered Ho Shen-an a seat on the couch.