



娑罗 双语例句

1. 娑罗的近义词

1. 如同蔓藤缠住娑罗树,无德者为自身所作的,正是其敌所愿的。
    Just as a single creeper strangles the tree on which it grows, even so, a man who is exceedingly depraved harms himself as only an enemy might wish.

2. 娑罗的近义词

2. 最后,它可能是法官antedates ,甚至第一七年大卫的统治地位和过去几年的娑罗双树的。
    Finally, it is likely that Judges antedates even the first seven years of David's reign and the last years of Saul's.

3. 娑罗果协助提升者打开到包围在自身周围的梦想时间实相之中。
    Horse Chestnut assists ascending initiates in opening to the dreamtime realities that surround oneself.

4. 本文以娑罗子中的四种七叶皂苷的提取率为指标,以高效液相色谱法为检测方法,用单因素考察法对加速溶剂提取法从娑罗子中提取七叶皂苷的工艺条件进行优化。
    In order to develop the accelerated solvent extraction method for escins in Aesculi and compare the advantage of this method with other extraction methods, the optimum technological parameters for ASE extraction were obtained by making the single factor experiments.

5. 阿阇世王杀死父亲频毗娑罗王,因为他认为这是好的。
    Ajātasattu thought it was a good thing to kill his own father, King Bimbisāra.

6. 图中为娑罗刺青一萌设计手稿
    As soon as insara tattoofor design draft manu script

7. 频毗娑罗,在王舍城国王,有一个王子叫Sudarsana。
    Bimbisara, King of Rajagriha, had a prince called Sudarsana.

8. 娑罗的解释

8. 这是类似在许多方面向城市旅游局的情况与国王娑罗双树。
    It is similar in many ways to the OT situation with King Saul.

9. 娑罗的解释

9. 娑罗双树比内克出生在一个难民营,在德国在第二次世界大战后,他的父亲经营一家意第绪语话剧团公司。
    Saul Rubinek was born in a refugee camp in Germany after WWII where his father ran a Yiddish Repertory Theatre company.

10. 它可能是组成在娑罗双树的统治地位,或在一开始大卫的。
    It was probably composed during Saul's reign, or at the very beginning of David's.

11. 他有一个儿子,她的名字出现娑罗双树,一个英俊的小伙子。
      And he had a son whose name was Saul, a handsome young man.

12. 这是沙加在娑罗双树园说的最后的话。
      I live in a two-storeyed house which has an European style.

13. 现在的驴克希,娑罗双树的父亲,失去了。
      Now the donkeys of Kish, Saul's father, were lost.

14. 所以娑罗双树出现,并和他本人都塞缪尔出去到街上。
      So Saul arose, and both he and Samuel went out into the street.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

15. 他曾屈服于以色列的clamours ,并设立娑罗双树作为国王。
      He had yielded to Israel's clamours, and set up Saul as king.
