1. Coco 是她父母的娇娇女。
Coco was a spoiled girl of her parents.
2. 不要约会父亲的娇娇女或是痛恨她父亲的女人。
Don't date a Daddy's Girl or a woman who hates her father.
3. 刚刚开始的婚姻生活,她要适应,要从家里的娇娇女变成贤妻;刚刚踏上的这块异国的土地,所有的风俗习惯语言文化,她要适应,试著要从每天的电视新闻中开始锻炼听力┅┅。
She had to learn English from the TV news.
4. 不要约会父亲的娇娇女或是痛恨她父亲的女人。
Who'.''hates her father.
5. 此时此刻我才知道,往日骄傲的娇娇女,原来只是一条可怜虫!
At this moment I only know that the pride of the Australian National women in the past that only a wretch!
6. 如果你是一个慵懒的娇娇女,那么一个生活习惯良好的男人绝对是你的最佳伴侣。
Man with good habits and customs If you are a Yong lazy spoiling and spoiling the woman, then a man with good habits and customs is your best companion definitely.
7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全
7. 被杀的娇女的阴魂,既是贩奴过程中屈死的六千万黑奴冤魂的化身,也是整个黑人苦难历史的缩影。
The ghost Beloved is the reincarnation of the dead negros in the slavery and the epitome of the miserable history of the black people.
8. 娇女诗》的意义在于塑造了两个健康、生机勃勃的儿童形象。
The sense of the poem is that the poet portrays two sound and dynamic children figures.
9. 埃米是她父亲的娇女。
Amy is her father's favourite.
10. 娇女的解释
10. 听他这样说,娇女松手放下裙子,茫然望着他。
Beloved dropped her skirts as he spoke and looked at him with empty eyes.
11. 娇女在线翻译
11. 当天晚上,不顾长途旅行的疲累,我将自己身世的真相告诉了先生,心想这一来,我的娇女价值一落千丈(但我更无法忍受对深爱的丈夫有一丁点的隐瞒)。
On the same night I told my husband about my orphan status although I was very tired. I thought this would greatly damage my image and yet I could not hide anything from my beloved husband. There were a few moments of silence.