

娇养[jiāo yǎng]








娇养 网络解释

1. dandle:dancing mania 舞蹈狂 | dandle 娇养 | danger 危险

2. coddle:cod 哄骗 | coddle 娇养 | code 法则

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. cocker:cocker spaniel 一种英国的小猎犬 | cocker 娇养 | cockerel 小公鸡

4. cosher:cosensitize 共同敏感 | cosher 娇养 | cosiness 舒适

娇养 双语例句

1. 这就是为什么主人这样娇养他,并用这样大量喂他吃丰盛的食物。
    That's why he is being pampered and fed in such rich fashion.

2. 谈到狗的生活,娇养的宠物狗是这样生活的。
    Talk about a dog's life, pampered pooches step this way.

3. 是缺少在温室里的娇养,因为它要战斗
    The sword was lack of being in the greenhouse, for it must fight.

4. 29:21 人将仆人从幼娇养,这仆人终久必成了他的儿子。
    He who delicately brings up his servant from a child Will have him as a son in the end.

5. 宠物 说起狗的一生,过分娇养的狗是这样生活的。
    Pet talk about a dog's life-pampered pooches step this way.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. 你们在世上享美福,好宴乐,当宰杀的日子竟娇养你们的心。
    You have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter.

7. 112(她面泛轻蔑神色款款踱开,嘴里哼着《唐乔万尼》中的二重唱。她身材丰满得像只娇养着的胸脯鼓鼓的鸽子。
    112In disdain she saunters away, plump as a pampered pouter pigeon, humming the duet from Don Giovanni.

8. 娇养什么意思

8. 瞧这一支勇猛的军队,领队的是一个娇养的少年王子,勃勃的雄心振起了他的精神,使他蔑视不可知的结果,为了区区弹丸大小的一块不毛之地,拼着血肉之躯,去向命运、死亡和危险挑战。
    Rightly to be great is not to stir without great argument, but greatly to find qurrel in a straw when honour`s at the stake.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 她从小娇养惯了。
    She has been pampered and spoiled since her childhood.

10. 他们担心社会成了保姆国家,女族长式的保护但也插手干预,为了臣民自身的利益而去娇养溺爱他们。
    They fret that societies have instead submitted to the nanny state, a protective but intrusive matriarch, coddling citizens for their own good.

11. 娇养

11. 你们在世上享美福,好宴乐,当宰杀的日子竟娇养你们的心。
      Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter.

12. “自幼因老太太疼爱,原系同姊妹们一处娇养惯了的。”
      " Because the old lady's always doted on him, he's used to being spoilt with the girls. "

13. “自幼因老太太疼爱,原系同姊妹们一处娇养惯了的。”
      " Because the old lady's always doted on him, he's used to being spoilt with the girls. "
