

妙语如珠[miào yǔ rú zhū]


词典scintillating witticisms妙语如珠。

词典endless witty remarks妙语如珠。

词典full of witty remarks妙语如珠。


词典pearls of wisdom妙语如珠。

妙语如珠 汉英大词典

妙语如珠[miào yǔ rú zhū]

scintillating witticisms; endless witty remarks; full of witty remarks; pearls of wisdom; sparkling sayings [discourse]; witty remarks like a string of pearls

妙语如珠 网络解释

1. Punchline:- 1988 - Big - 飞向未来 | - 1988 - Punchline - 妙语如珠 | - 1987 - Dragnet - 法网恢恢

2. MiaoYuRuZhu:妙语惊人 MiaoYuJingRen | 妙语如珠 MiaoYuRuZhu | 妙喻取譬 MiaoYuQuPi

3. danci.911cha.com

3. sparkling discourse:991. 不妨事 doesn't matter; go ahead | 992. 妙語如珠 sparkling discourse | 993. 妙想天開 (having) some unheard-of, fantastic, idea.

4. 妙语如珠

4. miao yu ru zhu [clever-lines like pearls] 'pearls of wisdom:1. 口若悬河 kou ruo xuan he [mouth like torrent] 'torre... | eloquence' 2. 妙语如珠 miao yu ru zhu [clever-lines like pearls] 'pearls of wisdom' | 3. 灵思泉涌 ling si quan yong [inspiration spring gush...
