

如鸟兽散[rú niǎo shòu sǎn]


词典flee helter-skelter狼狈逃窜,作鸟兽散;狼狈而逃;望风披靡;仓皇逃窜。


词典scatter like birds or wild animals如鸟兽散。

词典to flee in utter disorder如鸟兽散。

如鸟兽散 汉英大词典

如鸟兽散[rú niǎo shòu sǎn]

flee helter-skelter; scatter like birds or wild animals; (of a group of people [an organization]) to flee in utter disorder

如鸟兽散 网络解释

1. rudiaoshousan:肉度杆菌rouduganjun | 如鸟兽散rudiaoshousan | 如家rujia

如鸟兽散 双语例句

1. 尽管信徒们已经如鸟兽散,我相信他们的意志还在作祟
    Although the cult itself is gone, I'm sure the spirit of it is still alive.

2. 如鸟兽散的意思

2. 遥想当年,出大学校门之时,同学如鸟兽散
    Way back when, out of college when students Runiaoshousan.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 鹿钟麟一跑,他的政府也就如鸟兽散,我们的行署便成了冀南唯一的政权。
    With Lu's departure, his government dissolved and the Director's Bureau became the sole government in southern Hopei.

4. 如鸟兽散

4. 世界陷入无政府状态,人们如鸟兽散
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

5. 人民解放军横渡长江,南京的美国殖民政府如鸟兽散
    When the People's Liberation Army crossed the Yangtse River, the U. S.

6. 然而,他们刚冲入皇宫,就有13人被效忠总统的士兵射杀,其他人则如鸟兽散
    The others dispersed quickly.
