如狼似虎[rú láng sì hǔ]
词典be fierce [savage] as tigers and wolves
词典as ferocious as wolves and [or] tigers
词典like cruel beasts of prey:如狼似虎。
词典like wolves and tigers:如狼似虎。
如狼似虎[rú láng sì hǔ]
be fierce [savage] as tigers and wolves; as ferocious as wolves and [or] tigers; like cruel beasts of prey; like wolves and tigers; rule the people oppressively
1. rulangshihu:如履薄冰rulvbaobing | 如狼似虎rulangshihu | 人类补完计划renleibuwanjihua
2. 如狼似虎在线翻译
2. as ferocious as wolves and tigers:安如泰山as secure as Mount Taishan | 如狼似虎as ferocious as wolves and tigers | 饥饿如狼as hungry as a wolf
1. 对此,正如狼似虎的谢才萍颇有微词,心瘾难止。
In this regard, it is Rulangsihu Xie Ping minor complaints, the heart is difficult ending addiction.
2. 如狼似虎是什么意思
2. 天俊,我会帮你,也一定会让那些如狼似虎的董事们对你另眼相看。
Andrew, i will help you. I must let those cruel board members to view you in a new sight.
3. 在竞争者如狼似虎的情况下,如何去平衡流量和商业价值,都是需要勇气的。
Below the circumstance of competitor ferocious, how to go balancing discharge and commercial value, need courage.
4. 留下高老太太一个人,叫她怎么在这样如狼似虎的环境下活下去?
Left alone, how is old lady Gao supposed to live in such a harsh environment like this?
5. 绵羊般的民族将产生如狼似虎的政府。
A nation of sheep will be get a government of wolves.
6. 如狼似虎
6. 他面前这些如狼似虎的和尚们哪里受得了他的故事的刺激?
Before him the bonze of these ferocious people the stimulation of the story that where cans bear him?
7. 别被我的外表迷惑,因为实际上我在床上可是如狼似虎的。
Don't Iet that fooI you because inside I am, Iike, a compIete animaI.
8. 面对置之死地而后生、殊死一搏如狼似虎的对手,他们没能扭转局面。当对手后来居上逆转乾坤的时候,哪怕只是这一场比赛
There are no excuses for it, they were unable to react against a ravenous opposition who was determined to look for a result which seemed to be impossible.
9. 一向木讷寡言的怕羞仔儿子,竟然在晚饭时突然向全世界表白,自己钟意的是男人;一把年纪的老妈子突然欲火焚身,系男人都吼;乖乖女突然爱上玩 SM ;女佣变得如狼似虎;父亲大人则好像患上燥狂症,个个中招,无一幸免。
When the respectable, staid father brings home a lab rat in a cage, the latter starts to exert a strange, hypnotic power on the family: these repressed suburbanites toss their inhibitions to the wind and embrace their darkest, wildest fantasies, be they erotic or morbid.
10. “我强调一定要全力以赴,如狼似虎的将他拉拢过来。”高级副总裁乔纳森·罗森伯格在写给他同事的邮件中说道。
" I all but insist that we pull out all the stops and pursue him like wolves, " senior vice president Jonathan Rosenberg wrote to his fellow executives.
11. 如狼似虎
11. 你看:唬着个长脸,瞪着暴眼球,唾沫四溅,啧啧,那样子实在可怕,用如狼似虎来形容一点也不过份,甚至比狼狠,比虎凶。
You see: a fool with a long face, sharp eyes staring, scattered spittle, click one's tongue, it really looks terrible, Rulangsihu used to describe is not too much, or even a wolf than the hard, fierce tiger.
12. 中午时,我会全数撒下在皇后大道中,看著人们贪心地,如狼似虎地争夺它们-那一定有趣至极!
I would spread it all at the queen's Road Central at noon and watch the pedestrian jostle with the money fiercely & that would be fun!
13. 应该说,2003年在中国的广告中,的确出现了这样的征象美人不再如玉,美人如狼似虎,美人青翠欲滴,美人花团锦簇,美人魅惑,色相无敌。
We notice that in the Chinese advertisements of2003, there appeared the idea that beauties are no longer gentle; now they are aggressive, lovely, enchanting and addicting.
14. 中国近年来下决心尽可能多地收购拉美地区的农田,贪得无厌,如狼似虎,而印度企业似乎没这么“热情”。
They also don't seem as determined to buy up agricultural land as voraciously in Latin America as China has begun to do in recent years.
15. “我强调一定要全力以赴,如狼似虎的将他拉拢过来。”高级副总裁乔纳森·罗森伯格在写给他同事的邮件中说道。
" I all but insist that we pull out all the stops and pursue him like wolves," senior vice president Jonathan Rosenberg wrote to his fellow executives.