

如椽之笔[rú chuán zhī bǐ]

词典One's big writing brush is like a rafter.如椽之笔。


词典a masterly writing如椽之笔。

词典a powerful pen如椽之笔。

如椽之笔 汉英大词典

如椽之笔[rú chuán zhī bǐ]


One's big writing brush is like a rafter.; a masterly writing; a powerful pen

如椽之笔 双语例句

1. 如椽之笔的解释

1. 这位推理小说家的如椽之笔在侦探小说史上写下了辉煌的一页。
    The reasoning, such as the novelist's pen Hengchuan detective stories in the history of a glorious page.

2. 尽管这部小说以如椽之笔揭示了西方社会的阴暗面,但它仍然透露出一丝悲天悯人和殷殷期望的情怀。
    Underneath the riotous and often distasteful humour, this novel takes our general view of the world and gives it a good hard irreverent shake.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 青岛建华将以民营企业的如椽之笔,为我国畜禽屠宰加工机械业的发展,为实业强国的民族伟业,镌刻浓墨重彩的传奇篇章。
    Qingdao Jianhua will depict a legendary chapter on the development of the slaughtering processing machinery of our country and realizing the national cause of industrialization with its brush branded with non-governmental enterprise!
