

好高务远[hào gāo wù yuǎn]

词典reach for what is beyond one's grasp好高骛远。

词典aim too high好高鹜远;好高务远。

好高务远 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 不要好高务远,要脚踏实地专著于你现在的级别。
    Concentrate on the level you are at now.

2. 好高务远

2. 学英语的方法不要好高务远,要脚踏实地专著于你现在的级别。
    Don't be in such a hurry to move up a level. Concentrate on the level you are at now.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 我们的目标应该是可以达到的,如果我们太好高务远,当遇到困难和打击的时候会失去信心。
    Our goals also have to feel and be reachable for us because if we don`t meet up, we run the risk of tripping up and beating ourselves up.

4. 当年年轻的我还是有点轻浮,好高务远地追求外企的高薪。
    When I was a young little flighty, so far in pursuit of higher Treasury's foreign-paid.

5. 我为我的胆识鼓掌,我为我的聪明才智歌颂,我为我的镇定加分,我为我的高瞻远瞩与好高务远买单,我为我的拥有与失去解脱。
    I applaud my courage, I extol my wisdom, I calm my points for me and my vision is far better to pay a high Treasury, I have lost my relief.

6. 好高务远在线翻译

6. 和众多的年轻人一样,我在寻找一份好的工作;但不同于其他人,我不好高务远,我愿脚踏实地,从基础学起,从基层做起。
    Instead of other young people, I dont reach for what is beyond one's grasp and once I found the career i will work on it, studying from the base, doing it at the bottom.
