1. 911查询·英语单词
1. 秦汉社会存在奢僭逾制、厚死伤生、损害消费者权益等消费问题,为此国家采取了若干对策:实行等级消费制度,严惩奢僭逾制的行为;加强消费引导,提倡节俭消费;加强对市场的监管,维护消费者合法权益等。
Due to there were many serious consuming problems in Qin and Han Dynasties, such as excessive luxury and extravagance, the death prior to the living, the consumer's rights violated seriously etc., the governments adopted some countermeasures to restraint those bad phenomenon, for example, adopted the consuming hierarchy system against excessive luxury and extravagance, strengthened the consuming guidance to call for the thrift consumption, strengthened the market supervisions to protect the consumers'legal right and so on.