

奋不顾身[fèn bú gù shēn]

词典regardless of (personal) danger

词典be daring regardless of personal danger奋不顾身。

词典defy personal danger奋不顾身。

词典dash ahead regardless of one's safety奋不顾身。

奋不顾身 汉英大词典

奋不顾身[fèn bú gù shēn]

(be) regardless of (personal) danger; be daring regardless of personal danger; defy personal danger; dash ahead regardless of one's safety; contend so energetically as to forget one's life; (so eager for the safety of others as) to forget about one's own

奋不顾身 网络解释

1. dash ahead regardless of one's safety:纷至沓来的thick as hail | 奋不顾身dash ahead regardless of one's safety | 愤愤不平be indignant

2. have no through for one's own safety:全心全意/一心一意 heart and soul/whole-hearted | 奋不顾身 have no through for one's own safety | 视而不见/充耳不闻 turn a blind eye to/turn a deaf ear to

3. with no thought for one's own safety:57.分辨是非 tell the difference between right and wrong | 58.奋不顾身 with no thought for one's own safety | 59.尽己所能 do what one can

4. dash ahead regardle of one's safety:纷至沓来的thick as hail | 奋不顾身dash ahead regardle of one's safety | 愤愤不平be indignant
