

奉行故事[fèng xíng gù shì]

词典follow the old routine因循守旧;奉行故事;[法]按常规办事;因循老例。

词典act in accordance with practices and rules奉行故事。

词典follow the old tradition奉行故事。

奉行故事 汉英大词典

奉行故事[fèng xíng gù shì]

follow the old routine; act in accordance with practices and rules; follow the old tradition

奉行故事 网络解释

1. follow established practice:奉为至宝--value highly | 奉行故事--follow established practice | 凤飞鳞散--there are no wise men in the government

奉行故事 双语例句

1. 奉行故事是什么意思

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