1. 烟雾像天空夸称,灰烬与大地都是它的弟兄。
Smoke boasts to the sky, and Ashes to the earth that they are brothers to the fire.
2. 他们经常夸称自己提供的选择胜过百视达和Netflix。
And they often brag of a selection that is superior to that found at Blockbuster or on Netflix.
3. 他们常常夸称他们已成为这些技术磁铁吸引大量财富往往很难从源头!
They often laud these techniques saying that they have become wealth magnets attracting abundance - often from unlikely sources!
4. 夸称
4. 若繁盛者夸称特殊的荣宠,上帝将感到羞愧。
God is ashamed when the prosperous boasts of his special favor.
5. 只有懦夫才敢夸称不识恐惧。
None but a coward dares to boast that he has never known fear!
6. 美国电视版本的制作群,在夸称他们有「盲」同时将地海的有色人种族群减低为一个半。
The makers of the American TV version, while boasting that they were " color blind, " reduced the colored population of Earthsea to one and a half.
7. 夸称在线翻译
7. 美国电视版本的制作群,在夸称他们有「盲」同时将地海的有色人种族群减低为一个半。
The makers of the American TV version, while boasting that they were " color blind," reduced the colored population of Earthsea to one and a half.