

夸父追日[kuā fù zhuī rì]


夸父追日 双语例句

1. 我的父亲对再做夸父追日的想法不怎么感冒,但我向他保证了这次不会再像那样了。
    My father wasn't too keen on the idea of being back in the rat race, but I assured him that this time it would be nothing like that.

2. 夸父追日的翻译

2. 活力四射,就像夸父追日,拥有永不变更的信念。
    Dynamic, as, with the conviction will never change.

3. 夸父追日什么意思

3. 我像是夸父追日,大踏步地、永无止境地奔向美的前方!
    As Kuafu ran after sun, I am striding to beauty without stop!

4. 夸父追日,西西弗斯永远推石上山,则是它永恒的象征:追求完美,而不是达到完美。
    Recovery of God, the stone of Sisyphus forever pushing uphill, is it a symbol of the eternal: the quest for a perfect, not perfect.

5. 夸父追日什么意思

5. 向着太阳奔跑的人必将经历夸父追日的种种磨难,成功才会向你招手,牵着你飞向美好的未来。
    The person that runs towards the sun is sure to experience boast father to recall a variety of hardship of day, successful ability is met to your beck, pulling you to fly to good future.

6. 故事的话题多围绕人与自然之间的关系,如《女娲补天》、《夸父追日》等。
    Remote antiquity, explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology

7. 运动者赞没有虎一样的强壮,却有夸父追日般的执着;没有豹一样的速度,却有愚公移山般的坚定;没有鹰一样的迅捷,却有泰山崩于前的沉着。
    Yugongyi's firmness; does not have hawk same fast, actually to have peaceful landslide Yu Qian calm.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 若执着无常之物为实有,只会徒增烦恼,好比夸父追日,只会自己把自己累死在路上。
    May increase vexation only only, can be compared to praising father for pursuing Japan if thing of tenacious impermanence is that reality has, self works self to death a meeting in on the way.
