



词典the previous night头晚。

词典the first night头晚。

头晚 双语例句

1. 早餐想吃野兔肉,头晚就得去捕捉。
    He that will have a hare to breakfast must hunt overnight.

2. 孕中期有一次早晨起来咳痰有血丝,那是因为头晚吃过韩国烤肉,我觉得是火气大造成的,后来一直还好,直到今天。
    The second trimester up one morning sputum are bloodshot, it is because the first night eating Korean barbecue, I think it is caused by火气大and later has been good until today.

3. 早餐想吃野兔肉,头晚就须去捕捉。
    He that will h****e a hare to breakfast must hunt overnight.

4. 当被逮捕之人的女朋友被问及他头晚八点钟的行踪时,她立即沉默下来。
    When the arrested man's girl friend was questioned about his whereabouts at eight o'clock the previous evening, she immediately clammed up.

5. 早餐想吃野兔肉,头晚就须去捕捉。
    He that will have a hare for breakfast must hunt overnight.

6. 早餐想吃野兔肉,头晚就须去捕捉。
    He that will ha ve a hare to breakfast must hu nt overnight.

7. 那一次梁居士与家人因事到新加坡,头晚在旅馆时,小女儿腹痛如绞,痛得脸唇都白了。
    The first night of their stay in a hotel, her younger daughter had a bellyache that was so severe that her face and lips turned white.

8. 一日,老爷子来电话向你报急说,老太太头晚因睡眠不足,误食了过量的安眠药,到现在还在蒙头昏睡,就是闪电霹雷也唤不醒。
    Old gentleman was anxious to you to phone that night to sleep under her head, eating an excessive sleeping-pills, and now also heads drowsiness, Flash Tongue is also quite light.
