

失口[shī kǒu]

词典a slip of the tongue失言,口误。

失口 汉英大词典

失口[shī kǒu]

a slip of the tongue:

  例:我不想把他的名字告诉你, 只是一时失口而已。

    I didn't mean to tell you his name; it was a slip of my tongue at that time.

失口 双语例句

1. 他失口把祕密洩漏給朋友了。。。。
    He babbled the secret out to his friends.

2. 我不想把他的名字告诉你,只是一时失口而已。
    I didn't mean to tell you his name; it was a slip of my tongue at that time.

3. 失口的近义词

3. 他有时会失口说出很刺耳的双关语和极陈腐的话来。
    He sometimes slips into rather dreadful puns and hackneyed language.

4. 我失口冒犯了她。
    I let slip some remark that offended her.

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5. 他失口吐露了真情。
    He let slip the truth.
