

夫役[fū yì]



夫役 网络解释

1. 夫役的反义词

1. buyaku:butsudan佛坛 | buyaku夫役 | Chikonsai地魂祭

2. 夫役的解释

2. buyaku; forced labor; exacted service:二役futayaku; double role | 夫役buyaku; forced labor; exacted service | 服役fukueki; penal servitude; military service

夫役 双语例句

1. 忍受了两年这种痛楚的失败之后,有一天,它在小河边对这个运水夫役
    After two years of bitter failures, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the river.

2. 梨与香蕉已经买来给我了,话是没有什么可说了,夫役的扰攘,小舱的郁蒸,又不是什么足以赏心的,默默地挤在一起,徒然把无形的凄心的网织得更密罢了,何如早点儿就别了呢?
    There isnothing more to be said.7Fhe hustle and bustle of the ship'S crewand the fragrant steaminess of the cabin can no longer provide dis·traction. We are silently crowded together and suddenly the invisi-ble web around my desolate heart tightens still more.__--surely itwou ht be better to part a little sooner?

3. 一九四三年以前,在灾荒最严重的年代里,政府无偿地征用牲畜和夫役
    Before 1943, during the hardest years of the famine, animals and labor were requisitioned by the government without pay.

4. 离村后的去向,不外乎城市、乡村、垦区以及国外。受素质与技能的限制,他们所从事的工作,多数为纯体力型劳动,尤其是为城市人或当地人所不愿从事的苦力及夫役
    Limited to their quality and technique, they could not find job but physical labor, especially the hard work that was disgusted and avoided by city residents and local people.

5. 夫役什么意思

5. 另一方面,官方为供应皇宫及官府使用,在北京西南面的太行山北段,设立了专责采烧柴炭的柴炭厂,差遣夫役上山砍伐、烧取巨额的木柴及木炭。
    On the other hand, to provide huge amounts of fuel for the Palace and offices, the government set up a charcoal works on the northern Taihang Mountain, which is southwest of Beijing.

6. 在明清时期,仪征是淮南盐务中枢,大批鹾商鳞集骈至,掣捆夫役及间接服务于两淮盐业的人口占有相当大的比例,这给城市民俗深深地打上了盐业经济的烙印。
    A great number of salt tradesmen gathered there to do their salt business; labourers who served for salt industry occupied an important place in the urban population, by which the city's folkway was stamped with the brand of salt economics.

7. 这一驿传网络对于明代社会经济的发展产生了较大的影响,本文主要从驿路交通网络的构建及其对商品流通的影响、驿路交通与市镇的发展、驿传与边疆地区的开发、驿路与区域市场的形成和发展这四个方面详尽地论述了驿传对于经济发展的积极影响,同时指出,由于驿递夫役差役浩繁,其对于经济的发展也产生了一定的消极影响。
    They not only set up posthouses, transport offices and urgent-deliver offices throughout the country, but also opened up a lot of post roads and renovated many maj...
