1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
1. 凤:这个莫老爷太可怕了,我还是趁早走吧,反正尹天奇已死,童氏一族多半会跟莫老爷同归於尽的,至於童博。。。。
Feng: This Sir Mo is too frightening. I better go as soon as possiple. Yin Tien-qi has died and the Tungs are likely to end in common ruin with Sir Mo anyway so there will be few things to terrify me in Wu-lin.
2. 太老爷是什么意思
2. 太老爷是我们全家人的大活宝,我们家的核心人物。
Too old people are our family a big clown, the central figure in our home.
3. 太老爷在线翻译
3. 一位老人不停的在我太老爷身边说着:走吧,快走吧,别等了。
Keep an old man too old at my side says: go, go quick, do not wait.
4. 他们家原不是一家子,不过因出一姓,当年又与太老爷在一处作官,偶然连了宗的。
They joined families because they have the same surname and their granDfather was an official in the same place as our old master.