1. 司马迁父子因为祖上曾是周之太史,因此他们认为西汉的太史令也理应享有太史在周室时的尊崇地位。
His primary responsibility is to manage the Astronomy and Calendar in the Western Han Dynasty.
2. 我答:`他是汉朝太史令,不是进士。
I answer:'he is Han Chaotai Shi Ling, not be a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations.
3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
3. 相传唐朝开国之初,有两位高人,一位是名闻天下的四川星相家袁天罡,另一位是皇宫里专掌阴阳和天文历法的太史令李淳风。
At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, well-known astrologists Yuan Tian-Gang and Li Chun-Feng, officials in charge of the almanac, were appointed to search for a construction site of the imperial tomb.
4. 少时,落下闳在乡间,醉心于天象观察,后在家乡小有名气,经同乡、太常令谯隆和太史令司马迁推荐,被汉武帝征召入京,与当时的官家天文学家唐都、邓平一起研制历法。
When he was young, he lived in village and was crazy about observing astronomical phenomenon.
5. 太史令在西汉时期社会地位低下,其主要职责是掌管天文历法;而太史在西周时期则享有尊崇的地位。
Taishiling has a low social status.