

大鸣大放[dà míng dà fàng]

词典free airing of views大鸣大放。

词典air one's views freely畅所欲言;大鸣大放。


词典argue things out thoroughly大鸣大放。


词典free expression of opinion大鸣大放。

大鸣大放 汉英大词典

大鸣大放[dà míng dà fàng]


free airing of views; air one's views freely; argue things out thoroughly; free expression of opinion; speak out freely and air one's views fully

大鸣大放 双语例句

1. 就像他找著了我的信,在人群中读的大鸣大放
    I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud.

2. 而且在广告界大鸣大放是注定的。
    And in the ad business, buzz is destiny.

3. 没有民主的传统,不可能接受这样的大鸣大放,大争大辩,大字报。
    Without this tradition it would have been impossible to accept such free airing of views, great debates and big-character posters

4. 因为高端小范围产品的通路和一般的主流产品是不一样的,另外一个我们现在的环境下也不适合大鸣大放,所以在这种情况下,我们把海外营销的事情提到了议事日程上。
    Because the high-end niche products and general access to mainstream products is not the same, another environment is not suitable for our present anarchy. Under these circumstances, we referred the matter to the overseas marketing agenda.

5. 计划生育,要公开作教育,无非也是来个大鸣大放、大辩论。
    Family planning requires open education, which simply means airing views freely and holding great debates.

6. 比如,大鸣大放,还是小鸣小放?
    For instance, should views be aired in a big way or in a small way?

7. 不鸣不放是不利的,小鸣小放不能解决问题,还是要大鸣大放
    No airing of views is not to our advantage and airing views in a small way can solve no problems, therefore views must be aired in a big way.

8. 他指出:「我认为这是残酷的玩笑,政府一方面要人民大鸣大放,但当人民开始做不合其意的事时,他们便开始恫吓、骚扰与威胁。
    I think it`s a cruel joke that the government on the one hand wants people to speak up, and the minute people begin to do things that are not to their liking, they start intimidating, they start harassing, they start threatening, he said.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 所以,后来大家开始放弃了,接着去寻找和打发大鸣大放的爱。
    So, then everyone began to give up, then to find and sent large sound puts love.
