1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
1. Great Sunda Is:大圣伯纳山口 Great St. Bornard P. | 大巽他群岛 Great Sunda Is. | 大乌姆斯 Great Ums
1. 分布范围:繁殖于东北亚;冬季南迁至中国、马来半岛、菲律宾及大巽他群岛。
Range: Breeds in NE Asia; migrates south in winter to China, Peninsular Malaysia, Philippines and Greater Sundas.
2. 黄海与北朝鲜和韩国共大陆架,东海和南海为太平洋西部边缘海;四海南北相连,东北有朝鲜半岛,西南有中南半岛,其东部和南部为九州岛、琉球群岛、菲律宾群岛、大巽他群岛所围绕,面积总和为470万km2(图1)。
This paper analyzes explorating potential from three aspects: 1 Tremendous explorating space—carge sea area, large residual basins of cenozoic are pre-conogoic; 2 Tremendous technical space——the technology for explorating oid and Gas on the sea is obvionsly much lower than on the land.