

夜阑[yè lán]


词典in the dead of night在夜深人静时;更深漏残;更深夜静;夜深漏残。

词典late at night在深夜;夜半更深;钟鸣漏尽;半夜三更。

夜阑 汉英大词典

夜阑[yè lán]


[书] in the dead of night; late at night

夜阑 双语例句

1. 夜阑人静,她一个人走在大街上。
    All was quiet in the dead of night; she walked alone in the street.

2. 但每当夜阑人静时,我们望向星空,总会看到过去的美好回忆。
    But whenever Night, we look to the stars, there will always see the past better memory.

3. 夜阑人静,我们在海里游泳。
    In the stillness of the night we swam in the sea.

4. 夜阑人静,她一个人走在大街上。
    All was quiet in the dead of nightshe walked alone in the street.

5. 但每当夜阑人静时,我们望向星空,总会看到过去的美好回忆。
    See the past and pleasant memories. I don't know why, but it's those

6. 但每当夜阑人静时,我们望向星空,总会看到过去的美好回忆。
    But whenever almost midnight, we look to the Star, there will always see the memories of the past.

7. 但每当夜阑人静时,我们望向星空,总会看到过去的美好回忆。
    But when mid-night comes, the beautiful memory seems hang in the stars, we never forget.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. 我们谈到夜阑才散,所有的花生食品虽然没有了,然而父亲的话现在还印在我的心版
    Although the peanuts were eaten up, Father`s words are still engraved in my mind.

9. 夜阑

9. 若想,夜阑人静之时,月华泻地,静静地站在窗前,听着夜恬恬的呼吸声,纵是无眠,亦也心静吧。
    If you want, almost midnight when, Yuet Wah diarrhea manner, quietly standing at the window, listening to the night Tien-Tien's breathing sound, even if this meant no sleep, but also calm the mind.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 我的朋友,当你的白昼来到,我的黑夜也降临了;而在我的黑夜里,我依然谈论着跳跃于山峦之上的中天之日,蹑足于山谷之间的绛紫峰影。你听不见我夜阑的歌声,看不到我的双翼向着星群拍舞;我乐意你们的不闻不见。
    When it is day with thee, my friend, it is night with me; yet even then I speak of the noontide that dances upon the hills and of the purple shadow that steals its way across the valley; for thou canst not hear the songs of my darkness nor see my wings beating against the stars-and I fain would not have thee hear or see.

11. 我们谈到夜阑才散,所有花生食品虽然没有了,然而父亲的话现在还印在我心版上。
      Though none of those groundnut dishes remains, Father`s words are still imprinted on my mind.

12. 我们谈到夜阑才散,所有花生食品虽然没有了,然而父亲底话现在还印在我心版上。
      Although all peanuts food had been eaten up, I still bear what father had said in my mind.

13. 夜阑是什么意思

13. 我们谈到夜阑才散,所有花生食品虽然没有了,然而父亲的话现在还印在我心版上。
      Though none of those peanut dishes remains today, Father's words are still imprinted on my mind.

14. 我们谈到夜阑才散,所有花生食品虽然没有了,然而父亲的话现在还印在我心版上。
      Today, though nothing is left of the goodies made of peanuts, Father`s words remain engraved in my mind.

15. 夜阑的翻译

15. 我们谈到夜阑才散,所有花生食品虽然都没有了,然而父亲的话,现在还印在我的心版上。
      We talked until the midnight. All peanut food was eaten up, but the words of my father were still engraved on my heart.

16. 月明星稀的天空下,它的模样清晰的映视在远方。夜阑人静一时,它有出现在我的梦乡。
      Maybe soon day i w'll look back on this and say hard as it was, it made me who i'm today, and that is a good thing.

17. 它在我的耳际响了好几分钟。所有在夜阑人静的时分处身户外的人,身上全具有一种传奇的意味。
      I have heard the rattle of a cart or carriage spring up suddenly after hours of stillness, and pass, for some minutes, within the range of my hearing as I lay abed.

18. 亲爱的,别道这已是夜阑星稀的夜里。
      Darling, night no longer lights fire.

19. 夜阑的解释

19. 夜阑卧听风吹雨,星矢冰河入梦来
      The late at night lies can wind to puff rain, Falls asleep in the planet swear glacier

20. 夜阑

20. 但每当夜阑人静时,我们望向星空,总会看到过去的美好回忆。
      But whenever in the still of the night, we look at it to the starry sky, always see the bright remembrance in the past.
