

夜半三更 双语例句

1. 夜半三更,孩子们时不时会从梦中惊醒,听到轻微的嘟嘟声和妈妈的喃喃自语声。
    In the (25) dead of the night, the children were awakened from time to time by a slight rattling noise and Mama murmuring to herself.

2. 真要是夜半三更你看到暗处有一白色影子在晃动你不怕吗?
    To be or no to be?

3. 强 盗:哈哈,夜半三更,孤男寡女,正是我打劫的好机会。
    Rob: Haha. So late at night, a single man and two girls, the right thing for me!

4. 西厢倒怕声不出,邻墙更忧来日枯。键盘近似学者忙,难猜光阴谁虚度。夜半三更罩西厢,万簌俱寂谁人忙。网海茫茫何处去
    But, for belief, I must hold to, I still update an article everyday now by the rule previously, still also meet in the future such, hope Baidu can collect the webpage afresh.

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5. 虽然心如火焚,奈何三更夜半,只好打道回府,翌日再作打算。
    Though worried a lot, it was in the midnight, so could only return home, and waited till next day for further planning.
