

多般[duō bān]


多般 双语例句

1. 佛顶光明摩诃萨怛多般怛啰无上神咒,这是说佛顶的光明,犹如大白伞盖来荫罩我们一切持咒的人。
    This means that the light at the crown of the Buddha's head is like a great white canopy that comes to shelter and protect all of us who recite the mantra.

2. 多般

2. 据笔者研究,客家人之所以要用这种方式制作鞋跟,原因有二,一是客家妇女平时多般在田间劳动,除了过年过节,走亲访友之外,白天一般不穿鞋,只有晚上收工之后,洗完足,大家才有短暂的穿鞋机会。
    According to the author studies, Hakka, making heel reason to use this approach for two reasons, one more than usual as the Hakka women work in the fields, in addition to festive seasons, visiting relatives and friends outside during the day and generally do not wear shoes, only at night call it a day later, washing feet, we have a brief opportunity to wear shoes.

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3. 公子,你还真识货,那么多般偏偏挑中了我这艘船。
    You are wise to choose my ship.

4. 多般

4. 慨磨砖,如路径盘蹊,长砌多般乱石,中庭式宜叠胜,近砌亦可回文,八角嵌方选鹅子铺成蜀锦。。。。
    Generous grinding brick, such as the path set Xi, a long puzzle more like rocks, stacked in the courtyard should win the last puzzle can be palindromic, octagonal embedded sub- paved square goose Silk Brocade election...
