1. 本文根据洪水出现时间,将水库的汛期分为春汛和夏汛,并采用成因分析、数理统计、模糊分析等方法又夏汛细分为主汛期和后汛期。
The summer flood season was subdivided into main flood season and post - freshet season by many methods such as the mathematical statistics method and fuzzy analysis method.
2. 在我国的黑龙江、吉林及内蒙古北部等高寒地区,冬季漫长,气温低,水位自记平台融通时间滞后河流开河日期达1~3个月以上,导致春汛或部分夏汛时间无法使用水文自动测报系统来自动采集水位遥测数据,不能真正满足水文为防汛抗旱工作服务的需要。
In the frigid zone, such as Heilongjiang, Jilin and the northern part of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, automatic stage recording platform can not be used to get telemetric data during the flood period of spring and early summer because of long winter and low temperature, which extremely decrease the effective application of automatic stage monitoring system.
3. 夏汛的翻译
3. 台湾海峡1997~1998年夏汛中上层鱼类中心渔场的变动与表层水温的关系浅析
On the potential relationship of fishing ground position shift with the variability of sea surface temperature in the Taiwan Strait in summers of 1997 and 1998
4. 闽南地区灯光围网夏汛渔获量预报的一种新方法
A new method for the forecast of catch of purse seine with light attraction in Minnan District in summer fishing seasons
5. 夏汛的翻译
5. 水库夏汛时间长,洪量大,是水库确保防洪安全和实现兴利效益的关键时期。
The summer flood reason is the key period for reservoir controlling flood and achieving benefit because this stage is longer and the volume of flood is larger.
6. 结果表明5-9月为研究流域的水文过程活跃期,该时段内的径流量占全年总径流量的85%;径流过程中存在春汛和夏汛,夏汛洪峰值明显高于春汛。
The time from May to September is the active time of hydrological process, which occupies 85% of annual runoff; the spring flood and summer flood are founded in hydrological process, the peak of summer flood is larger than spring flood.