

墟落 双语例句

1. 本文的重要目的是农业步伐与墟落生存的关连。
    The main object of this article is to discuss the relationship between agricultural procedure and rural life.

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2. 然而,最使我稀罕的是看到墟落里的一些人坐在课堂反面的长凳上。
    But what surprised me most was to see some of the villagepeople seated on the benches at the end of the room.

3. 墟落是什么意思

3. 上海世博会的副主题是:都市多元文化的融合,都市经济的繁荣,都市科技的创新,都市社区的重塑以及都市和墟落的互动。
    The secondary themes of Shanghai Expo are:multi-cultural integration, the promotion of city economy, technological innovation, the reconstruction of city communities, and the interaction of urban and rural sectors.

4. 由于亨利·斯图亚特爵士虽然是个非凡胜利的人。20****,他从伦敦来到我们的墟落,买了好几座旧房屋,推倒后建了一所大屋子。
    For Sir Henry Stewart was certainly successful. It is twenty years ago since he came down to our village from London, and bought a couple of old cottages, which he had knocked into one.

5. 墟落

5. 从劳动力需求上看有一个双峰型厘革,这种特点对华北屯子生存周期孕育发生了深远的影响,不光影响了劳动力市场,也影响到畜牧业和营养的周期,近代墟落生存的许多方面也是受这种双峰型劳动力投入曲线影响的效果。
    It took the form of two peak in labor curve, and this form affects peasant`s life cycle profound and lasting. Labor market, stock raising, human food nourishment cycle and a lots of other country life in North Chinese were affected by the two peak labor curve in modern historical period.

6. 通利渠;墟落社会;水利构造;管理与运行
    Key words: Tongli canal; rural society; water conservancy organization; management and running

7. 琼·瑟斯克在阐发了英国的一些墟落工业地域以后,以为英国的墟落工业与畜牧业地域有着自然的讨论。
    After analyzing some industria l regions in English countryside, Joan Thirsk considered the rural industr ies naturally associated with pastoral regions.

8. 米兰。卡尅,这个糊口在尼泊尔偏远墟落的18岁少年,用人类头发更换硅片,这是一种普遍但却昂贵的太阳能电池板原料。
    Milan Karki, who is18 years old and lives in a village in rural Nepal, used human hair to replace silicon, which is a common but expensive component of solar panels.
