

增饰[zēnɡ shì]


增饰 双语例句

1. 增饰的翻译

1. 第三章,从战国文字承袭和自身之讹两个角度探讨了战国文字讹变的主要类型:形近而讹、省简而讹、增饰而讹、声化而讹、箄势变化而讹、形体离析而讹,并著重分析了讹变的主要原因,阐明了讹变造成的影响,并进而探讨了研究战国文字讹变的实践意义。本文认为大部分的战国文字讹变现象是顺著汉字简化、声化、符号化的大方向而产生的,因而其必促使汉字向简化、声化、符号化的方向发展。
    In the first chapter, this paper introduces the research survey of Warring States writings, introduces emphatically the classification and the territory research, the form and structure research of Warring States writings, and defines Warring States writings; In the second chapter, this paper introduces the research survey of wrong-variation of Chinese characters, defines wrong-variation of Chinese characters, and summarizes the sorts of wrong-variation of Warring States writings, clarifies cognition to wrong-variation of Chinese characters; In the third chapter, this paper illustrates the main sorts of wrong-variation of Warring States writings from its following and own wrong-variation, analyses the main causes, effects and the practical significance of researching it.

2. 增饰的解释

2. 那可不是罪过吗,努力要增饰,反而把原来无瑕的题材涂毁?
    Were it not sinful then, striving to mend, To mar the subject that before was well?

3. 那可不是罪过吗,努力要增饰
    Were it not sinful then, striving to mend

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4. 那可不是罪过吗,努力要增饰,反而把原来无瑕的题材涂毁?
    For to no other pass my verses tend, Than of your graces and your gifts to tell.

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5. 那可不是罪过吗,努力要增饰
    Were it not sinful then, striving to mend, tracy mcgrady

6. 由於郭居敬版的内容过於简略,多数版本以增加情节来丰富故事内容;有的采用其他史料的情节,有的是依照人物的生活背景略作想像,我认为,故事内容无论如何增饰都须合理、清楚。
    Twenty four filial pietyis so brief that most of editions for children increase the plot to enrich the content, and the most important of all must be reasonable and clear.

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7. 另一个原因则是因为《战国策》所记是战国纵横家或所谓策士的言论,他们的说辞旨在悦其人、动其心,以使被游说者采纳自己的策谋,至于所举事例是否符合事实并不为他们所注重,甚至许多事例出于他们的虚拟或增饰,因此《战国策》中存在不少失实或错误的记载,也就不足为奇了。
    The main purpose of zhanguoce was to record the personate words, while they did not pay attention to the accurate and coherent facts, thought too much of how to please people, so many chapters of zhanguoce were dummy, This was the reason why it was more false in historical facts.
