

Tomb of the church;
墓堂 双语例句

1. 总有一天,这些高耸的镀金拱顶会变成踩在脚下的碎屑;其时,这儿决不会听到有什么音乐和赞美歌,只有破拱门里的飒飒风声,伴和着破塔上的枭啼—其时,眩目的阳光将穿进这些幽暗的墓堂,常春藤将攀绕在倾倒的圆柱上;毛地黄把花冠垂在无名者的骨灰瓮上,仿佛嘲笑里面的死人。
    The time must come when its gilded vaults which now spring so loftily, shall lie in rubbish beneath the feet; when instead of the sound of melody and praise the wind shall whistle through the broken arches and the owl hoot from the shattered tower; when the garish sunbeam shall break into these gloomy mansions of death, and the ivy twine round the fallen column; and the fox-glove hang its blossoms about the nameless urn, as if in mockery of the dead.

2. 它们和周围死一般的宁静构成强烈的对照;在寺里边听到外面紧张生活的浪潮冲激着这个墓堂的墙壁,真有说不出的奇异感觉。
    The contrast is striking with the deathlike repose around; and it has a strange effect upon the feelings thus to hear the surges of active life hurrying along and beating against the very walls of the sepulchre.

3. 黄铜大门,雕饰得富丽精巧,开启时绞链发出吃力的转动声,好像傲慢得不愿让凡夫俗子擅自闯入这所最华丽的墓堂
    Great gates of brass, richly and delicately wrought, turn heavily upon their hinges, as if proudly reluctant to admit the feet of common mortals into this most gorgeous of sepulchres.
