1. 被贬黄州之后,他归诚佛僧,就着黄州山脚下一片名叫东坡的数十亩荒地,垦辟躬耕,慨叹人生,并写下《东坡》诗:雨洗东坡月色清,市人行尽野人行。
Drive after devaluating Huang2 Zhou, he return truly a Fo monk, wear Huang2 Zhou a foot of a hill a name an east ascent of several acres of wasteland, the Ken open up Gong Geng, sigh with regret life, and write down 《east ascent 》poem:Rain wash an east ascent moonlight pure, city person the line exert savage country people line.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 到元代末,民勤盆地仅在今县城周围有很小规模的垦辟。
At the end of Yuan Dynasty, there were a few reclamation activities surrounding nowadays county Town.
3. 直隶口外、内地大量荒地得到垦辟,扩大了耕地面积,直隶的农业开发进入了一个新阶段。
A great deal of wastelands were opened up, and cultivated land areas were extended. Agriculture development of ZhiLi Province entered a new Period.
4. 垦辟的反义词
4. 以滦河流域的人口变化为经,以土地垦辟和天然植被的变化为纬,对历史上这一地区人类活动对滦河下游河道变迁的影响进行了探讨。
The population change in Luanhe river basin was thought a main factor, ground exploited and primate forests destroied was a secondary factor, The human activities, in the area in the historical period on the Luanhe river basin were studied.
5. 第二部分流民的进入使大片的土地被垦辟,玉米、马铃薯得到广泛种植,水利建设得到加强,蚕桑、茶叶、棉花、烟草、药材等经济作物的种植已经具有一定的规模。
Second, the immigrants cultivated a large amount of land. They growed corns and potatoes hydraulic construction was strengthened. Economic crops such as tea, cotton, toˉbacco and medical herbs were widely growed.