

垦耕[kěn ɡēnɡ]


垦耕 双语例句

1. 第二次人口剧增大约始于人类开始蓄畜、垦耕的 10,000 年前。
    Started perhaps 10, 000 years ago, when mankind began to keep herds, plow

2. 垦耕

2. 垦耕的10,000 年前。一旦最初的生产力增长被吸收殆尽,人口的增长再次衰落。以上两
    Again when initial productivity gains had been absorbed, the rate of population growth abated.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 第二次人口剧增大约始于人类开始蓄畜、垦耕的 10,000 年前。一旦最初的生产力增长被吸收殆尽,人口的增长再次衰落。
    But when the new power from the use of tools has been exploited, the rate of world population growth fell and became almost stable.

4. 垦耕

4. 一旦最初的生产力增长被吸收殆尽,第二次人口剧增大约始于人类开始蓄畜,垦耕的 10,000 年前。
    The next rapid jump in population started perhaps 10, 000 years ago, when mankind began to keep herds, plow and plant the earth.

5. 水土流失形成的原因除基岩裂解严重,地形陡峻,暴雨频繁外,主要是植被破坏严重,大面积陡坡垦耕等人为原因造成的。
    Besides serious cracking of original rock, high and precipitous surface relief and frequent rainstorm, destroy of vegetation and cultivation on steep slope for a large scale can account for the occurrence mainly.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 对2000~2003年广东省森林采伐限额执行情况检查结果进行了分析,认为存在伐区调查设计偏差较大;毁林垦耕现象屡禁不止;
    The result of the check on implementation of forest logging quota of Guangdong province since 2000~2003 is analyzed and existing problems are identified, such as much large deviation of investigation and design in felling area;

7. 对2000~2003年广东省森林采伐限额执行情况检查结果进行了分析,认为存在伐区调查设计偏差较大;毁林垦耕现象屡禁不止;
    The result of the check on implementation of forest logging quota of Guangdong province since 2000 ~ 2003 is analyzed and existing problems are identified, such as much large deviation of investigation and design in felling area;
