

垛子[duǒ zi ]



垛子 汉英大词典

垛子[duǒ zi]


(扶垛) buttress

垛子 网络解释

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1. God ofTarget:<<笑林>>Jest Book | 54 垛子God ofTarget | 56 遇偷Burglary

垛子 双语例句

1. 还有许多的碎片漂到了兴化城的东面,形成许许多多的垛子,散着金黄色的亮光。
    One piece allegedly floated with the landlord to the northwest of Xinghua, which is called Shagou today.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 城墙外沿有两米多高的成排的垛子垛子上有方形的暸望口和射口,供暸望和射击用。
    There are two-meter-height battlements in a line outer the circumvallation, covering with many quadrate lookout holes and fire holes for watching and firing.

3. 这条土街斜斜地贯穿整个村庄,从村口处一直斜插下山,两边的垛子也顺路堆下去,像我儿时梦中飘移过的那条窄巷。
    From the edge of village to the foot of the hill, the twisted path traced its way through the small town, and the piles found their way down the hill just like a narrow alley my childhood used to dream it.

4. 垛子

4. 倒是催发了它的横蛮,牧人无法把它赶走,藏身庄院,丢下乱作一团的羊群,羊儿堆成了垛子,一个压着一个——兽狮怒气冲冲,蹬腿猛扑,跃出高高的栅栏。
    The shepherd has roused the brute to fury but cannot defend his flock, so he takes shelter under cover of the buildings, while the sheep, panic-stricken on being deserted, are smothered in heaps one on top of the other, and the angry lion leaps out over the sheep-yard wall.

5. 那些个惊呆了又木纳的田野里的垛子&记得吗?
    These startledstayed in the wooden natrium field battlement-to remember?

6. 垛子

6. 墙上的垛子也弄掉了一个。
    The coping of the wall had been torn away.

7. 伴奏:柳腔的主要伴奏乐器是四胡和唢呐,用四胡给柳腔伴奏听起来格外悠扬婉转,唢呐是吹垛子用的。
    Accompaniment: the main accompaniment is four-stringed bowed instrument and so-na trumpet, the former is melodious and the latter is used in blown sub-stack.
