

Kun Cheng;
坤成 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 李坤成 ,尹建国,董岩青目的探讨巨大肺大泡胸部X线平片和CT的诊断价值和限度,巨大肺大泡与邻近正常肺组织的关系,为选择手术适应证提供影像学依据。
    Objective To probe the diagnostic value and limitations of thoracic CT and X-ray plain film on giant bulla, and the relationship of giant bulla with adjacent lung tissue, in order to provide the imaging basis for surgical selection.

2. 坤成中学是她的敌人。
    Kuen Cheng High School is her enemy.

3. 坤成的翻译

3. 年,吉隆坡尊孔学校创立和后来的坤成女校创立,他都是最大的捐款者。
    In 1906 Confucian Private Secondary School and Kuen Ching Private Girls Secondary school were established.

4. 乾始物,坤成物,乾和坤两种物质相互交感才能推动事物发生变
    Are two diametrically different natures of matter that prompt creatures to change.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 今天在星洲又看到你的文章,regading 坤成女中四合院的报
    By the way, whether it is possible to introducing our school history/building in ur future article.
