

坐贾[zuò ɡǔ]


坐贾 双语例句

1. 幌子广告的出现与原始人的图腾崇拜有著最直接的渊源关系。幌子广告的发展则与行商坐贾的分化不无关系。
    Emergence of sign advertisement had direct causality to totem worshiped by primitive people, while development of sign advertisement had close connection with tradesmen differentiation.

2. 这些数百年来在商品流通中形成于贩夫贩妇、行商坐贾之口的商业谚语,不仅有中国传统文化的培植,又受到商品经济的刺激和推动,它是商人们在商业领域中数百年来的心血、经验和智慧的结晶。
    Also, it is the valuable asset of the business art. These Proverbs used by commodity traders which formed from commodity economy and Chinese cultural influence was the wisdom and experience treasure in business field for hundreds of years.

3. 坐贾在线翻译

3. 钻研科学出个成果也罢,著书立说娱育世人也可,行商坐贾促进流通也行,朝九晚五按部就班也未必不好。
    The results of scientific study out of a matter whether the books that the world can also be entertaining education, peddler sitting Jia facilitate flow of line, step by step from nine to five might not be bad.
