

坐言起行[zuò yán qǐ xíng]


词典No sooner said than done.说到做到。;随说随做;说干就干;说办便办。

词典one's words and actions坐言起行。

坐言起行 汉英大词典

坐言起行[zuò yán qǐ xíng]

No sooner said than done.; one's words and actions

坐言起行 网络解释

1. 坐言起行的解释

1. Talk the walk and walk the talk:Provide clarity 指示清楚 | Talk the walk and walk the talk 坐言起行 | Actions speak louder than words 行动胜于语言

坐言起行 双语例句

1. 他是坐言起行的人
    He's a big fiend for action.

2. 现在是坐言起行的时候了,我国需要有足够勇气的领导人将反贪污的歌调化为行动。
    The country does not need a crooner on corruption and the crooked.

3. 大家须坐言起行,用这些方法实习!常记溪亭日暮。沉醉不知归路。兴尽晚回舟,误入藕花深处。争渡。争渡。惊起一滩鸥鹭。
    First play the cassette through without stopping, listening for the main ideas.

4. 更多的旅行机会会在1月10日的满月时到来,这次似乎要到外国了,这可能是跨越太平洋的长旅程,或者飞到边境的小旅程,无论是哪一种,在1月10日附近的四天你看来都会有新的模式,这个满月可爱地与天王星互相照耀着,所以你只需要坐言起行,顺其自然地去做。
    More travel seems to come up for you at the full moon January 10, and this time it appears you might be on your way to a foreign country. This may translate into long flight across the Pacific, or a tiny flight across the border. Either way, you it looks like you'll be heading to a new setting within four days of this date. That full moon will send a lovely beam to Uranus, so you may just pick up and go very spontaneously.

5. 你就是你播种和收获您要创建你的未来的每一个思想,坐言起行
    What you sow is what you reap and you are creating in your future by every thought, word and action.

6. 所以,我立即坐言起行,送暖行动便成为我每年必做的事情了。
    I decided to turn my words into action and the Giving Warmth Mission has become an annual event for me.

7. 坐言起行什么意思

7. 假如你想做些什麼,坐言起行吧,光坐在那里空谈理想并不会令它成真。
    If you want to do something, go and do it; sitting there talking won't make it happen.

8. 坐言起行的解释

8. 当我们与试探交战时,应当坚守原则,坐言起行和坚定不移。
    We should be principled, practical, and persistent in our battle with temptations.

9. 坐言起行

9. 今后,我们必须坐言起行,集中力量应对重大和迫切的问题。
    From today, we will turn words into deeds. We will focus our energy on addressing the major and pressing issues.

10. 坐言起行的翻译

10. 但他始终不明白这个道理,缺乏坐言起行的精神,最后又往往把自己的失败归咎于命运的安排。
    However, he still do not understand this truth, the lack of the spirit to put words into action, the last is often attributed to the failure of their own fate.
