

Wei Zhen;
圩镇 双语例句

1. 圩镇在线翻译

1. 在新区建设方面,计划连接市区的以老圩镇、罗港、布吉中心区围合而成的布吉新区建设已全面铺开;道路的改善与包装也正加紧进行;文化设施的建设已初具规模;布吉河、大芬河和塘经河的治理已列入了市级计划并分步开始。
    Building in the new district plan for the old town connecting urban, Luo Hong Kong, from the village center district Wai-Po has been spreading new district building; Road improvement and packaging are being intensified; Cultural facilities has begun to take shape; Kat River, Great Finnish River and Tong River are included in the municipal plan and step by step began.

2. 圩镇

2. 六、对外交通:全镇陆地交通方便,新改造106线国道纵贯镇躯南北,县道335、336线横穿镇腹东西,通往各村的公路都是硬底化水泥路,整个城口形成了以圩镇为中心的交通网络,来往十分便利。
    External transport: the town land and convenient transportation, the new line of State Road 106 north-south transform the town of North and South footer, county town of 335, 336 lines across the belly thing, leading to the village roads are hard bottom of cement road, the entire city I formed a Xinxu Town as the center of the transportation network, travel is very convenient.

3. 圩镇的意思

3. 圩镇面积0.5平方公里,通往各村委会道路全为水泥硬底化公路。1996年完成圩镇总体规划,新城镇雏形已初步形成。
    Xinxu Town, an area of 0.5 square kilometers, the road leading to the village committees are all hard bottom of concrete highway. Xinxu Town master plan completed in 1996, the new urban prototype has taken initial shape.

4. 圩镇是什么意思

4. 以前这种习俗一般是在圩镇、城区,每逢元宵,家家户户门口都挂有花灯,造型各式各样,有鲤鱼灯、鳌鱼灯、石榴灯、桔子灯、莲花灯……有的还制作高级豪华的走马灯,街道小巷到处都悬挂彩灯。
    Before this practice is generally in Weizhen, City, during the Lantern Festival, families are linked to the entrance of a lantern, modeling a wide range, carp lights, Aoyu lights, lights pomegranate, orange lights, lights…… Some of the Lotus Senior has also produced the Zou Madeng luxury, street lanes everywhere hoisting lanterns.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 两条锦江支流城口东河、西河于圩镇萝卜坝处汇合,流经上寨、恩村、东光三个村委会于恩口处再汇入仁化县锦江河。
    Jinjiang City, two tributaries of the East River mouth, Nishikawa dam on the turnip Xinxu Town Office, convergence, flow through the Chai, Yan village, the village committee at the TU 3 TOKO mouth and then import Renhua County Jinjiang River.

6. 第二部分:集中对涛圩镇梧州瑶歌的音乐本体特征及梧州瑶歌演唱形式及作了分析与研究。
    Part II: Do some analysis and research focusing on the music noumenon features and the form extemporized of Wuzhou Yao folk songs in Taoxu town.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 稳定的圩镇商业秩序是官府和民众共同构建的,缺一不可。
    Stable country fair town order of business is local officials and citizens work together to build the indispensable.

8. 圩镇

8. 城市边缘区乡村景观资源的保护与利用研究&以合肥大圩镇为例
    Study on the Protection and Utilization of Rural Landscape Resources in the Urban Fringe & Taking Dawei Town, Hefei as an Example

9. 随着社会生产力的发展,商业也逐渐繁荣起来,商业城市和圩镇的数量显著增多。
    With the development of society's productivity, the commerce booms gradually too, the quantity of the commercial city and country fair Town increased notably.

10. 采用文献资料法、访谈法、田野考察法等方法,以个案研究的方式对广西宾阳芦圩镇舞炮龙制作技术进行研究。
    Through using the method of literature review, interview and investigation at site, this paper makes study on techniques of making a dragon firework in Luxu county of Guangxi province.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 金林水乡,位于德庆官圩镇,拥一千七百多年的历史,是一个文化底蕴深厚、古色古香、自然景观丰富、充满神话色彩的古村落。
      Jinlin Shuixiang, about thousand seven hundred years of history, is a rich cultural heritage, antique, rich in natural landscape, full of mythological ancient village.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 圩镇是在优越的自然和人文条件下作用下诞生并发展起来的。
      Country fair town is the birth and development in the role of superior natural and human conditions.

13. 圩镇的翻译

13. 对圩镇而言,人群的流动数量、速度、方式等都是至关重要的,是实现圩镇与城市、村落之间交流的重要基础。
      As to towns, the flow quantity and the speed and pattern of the throng were all very important, and it was also the important base to realize the exchange among towns and cities and villages.

14. 圩镇

14. 人群的流动是构成西江流域圩镇与周边城市、村落之间联系的基础。
      The circulating throng was the foundation that constituted the relation among the towns in the river basin of Guijiang and its surrounding cities and villages.

15. 圩镇不是孤立存在的,它和周边的农村和周围的州县圩镇,存在着广泛而深刻的联系。
      The business towns are not the isolation existence, there are a broad and profound contacts between the business town and its surrounding villages and the ambient towns.

16. 明清以来,随着岭南开发进程的加速,大规模的外省客商、移民、客家人进入桂江流域两岸的圩镇和村落。
      From the Ming and Qing Dynasties, along with the acceleration of the development progress in south of the Five Ridges, the large-scale travelling merchants which from other provinces and immigrant and the Hakka entered into the towns and villages which spreads along the river basin of Guijiang.

17. 圩镇

17. 明朝后期,在社会商品经济的推动下,广西各地的农业、手工业等行业得到了快速发展,许多沿江农村圩镇纷纷兴起。
      In the late Ming Dynasty, promoted by the commodity economy a large number of village fairs emerged alongside the Xijiang River as the rapid development of agriculture, handicrafts and other industries in Guangxi.

18. 圩镇的翻译

18. 随着明清时期商品经济的发展,在水陆交通发达的货物集散中心,逐步发展成为圩镇
      With the development of commodity economy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, developed land and water transportation of goods distribution center, and gradually developed into Country fair town.

19. 离船上岸后,我们在岛上茶科滨旅游,这是很多玛雅历史遗迹之一,它已成为旅游大热门的景点。1.5小时的旅程,所经过的圩镇,乡村和热带丛林,把我们带到一度曾经繁荣昌盛的旧城市,而目今只剩下沉寂的旧毁墟。
      After disembarking, we traveled inland to Chacchoben, one of the many Mayan ruins that have made the region famous. A 1.5-hour ride through towns, countryside and jungle brought us to a once-thriving city that now lies quietly in ruins.

20. 圩镇在线翻译

20. 离船上岸后,我们在岛上茶科滨旅游,这是很多玛雅历史遗迹之一,它已成为旅游大热门的景点。1.5小时的旅程,所经过的圩镇,乡村和热带丛林,把我们带到一度曾经繁荣昌盛的旧城市,而目今只剩下沉寂的旧毁墟。
      After disembarking, we traveled inland to Chacchoben, one of the many Mayan ruins thathave made the region famous. A 1.5-hour ride through towns, countryside and junglebrought us to a once-thriving city that now lies quietly in ruins.
