



土老帽 网络解释

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土老帽 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 他然后带了那笔钱,去了印度。我们家族有传闻说,有人曾见他骑着一头大象,随身还有一只狒狒。但我想那肯定是一个略通英文的印度土老帽,或者某位英印混血的贵妇,而不是什么狒狒。
    He went to India with his capital, and there, according to a wild legend in our family, he was once seen riding on an elephant, in company with a Baboon; but I think it must have been a Baboo—or a Begum.

2. 土老帽的翻译

2. 爱情是你明知他穿得像个土老帽,还愿意和他出去示众;是你鄙视商人而他偏偏是个可爱的小商贾;是你素有洁癖却甘愿为他洗油腻腻的饭盒、脏兮兮的球鞋。
    Love is that you know perfectly well that he has on such that resembling the old cap of soil, is ready to go out to show the public with him; Young merchants who is that you hold a businessman in contempt but he is that are lovable intentionally; Be that you usually have clean addiction but be that he washes greasy meticulous mess tin, dirty willingly gym shoes.

3. 土老帽的反义词

3. 土老帽:我不想说。
    Worst: I don`t want to say.

4. 你要知道,我们可不是外太空的土老帽
    We`re not all bumpkins in the colonies, you know.

5. 你吃鱼时会吸鱼头和鱼鳍土老帽老外,他们都是直接切掉的
    You suck on fish heads and fish fins.

6. 哈哈 彪药玺你个大傻蛋原来你还挺懂的关心别人的还怕跟我说不高兴的事会影响我啊,哈哈你个土老帽,真是彪的不透气了!!!
    So you really should believe me and try to open your heart to others, though it is difficult at first. you must learn to depend on someone, at least your best friend, otherwise you will feel lonely!!

7. 校长的秘书在片刻间就断定这两个乡下土老帽根本不可能与哈佛有业务来往。
    The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods country folk had not business at Harvard, and probably didn`t even deserve to be in Cambridge. She frowned.

8. 土老帽是什么意思

8. 楼主你个幼稚的土老帽,你认为女人是财产,人们可不这么认为。
    You are so backwards or immature, you think women are property, not people.
