1. 土箸是最早居住在加拿大的人。
A:Aboriginal peoples were the first people to live in Canada.
2. 土箸什么意思
2. 谁是加拿大的土箸?
Q:Who are the Aboriginal peoples in Canada?
3. 他们散居于加拿大各处。住在你那区的土箸以往靠什么为生?
A:The Aboriginal people lived in every region of Canada.
4. 为何加拿大的土箸要自治?
Q:Why are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada working to be self-governed?
5. 那一类土箸人口超过西北特区一半?
Q:Which group of Aboriginal peoples make up more than half of the population in the Northwest Territories?
6. 土箸及皮草商人利用哪种交通工具来拓展北美的通商网络?
Q:What form of transportation did Aboriginal peoples and fur traders use to create trading networks in North America?