圆括号[yuán kuò hào]
parenthesis (pl. -ses); curves “( )”; round brackets
1. 圆括号
1. parentheses:应该写成 a = b + c; d = a + r; 10.5 其它惯例(Miscellaneous Practices) 10.5.1 圆括号(Parentheses) 一般而言,在含有多种运算符的表达式中使用圆括号来避免运算符优先级问题, 是个好方法.即使运算符的优先级对你而言可能很清楚,
2. parenthesis:double quotation marks 双引号 | ( )parenthesis 圆括号 | [ ]square brackets 方括号
3. parenthesis noun:oblique noun 斜线符号 | parenthesis noun 圆括号 | primary adjective 第一位的/主要的
1. 省略构造函数参数列表和封闭的圆括号等价于指定一个空参数列表。
Omitting the constructor argument list and enclosing parentheses is equivalent to specifying an empty argument list.
2. 当圆括号和方括号已经用过时用于表示加总或标出一个数量组。
Used to indicate aggregation or to clarify the grouping of quantities when parentheses and square bracket s have already been used.
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3. 我们通常把函数定义中圆括号内列表中出现的变量称为形式参数,而把函数调用中与形式参数对应的值称为实际参数。
We will generally use parameter for a variable named in the parenthesized list in a function. The terms formal argument and actual argument are sometimes used for the same distinction.
4. 圆括号的解释
4. 如果表达式加上圆括号,则不管一般的优先级规则,将(ia + 4)作为单个操作数,这是 ia 所指向的元素后面第4个元素的地址,然后对这个新地址进行解引用。
That operand is an address of an element four past the one to which ia points.
5. 在其后必须跟有函数名和包括形式参数的圆括号。
It must be followed by the function name and the parenthesized list of formal parameters.
6. 必须用圆括号括起来才能得到正确结果。
Must be fully parenthesized to give proper results.
7. 圆括号
7. 如果想要得到一个元组,必须要加上圆括号。
If the expression would evaluate to a tuple, it must be parenthesized.
8. 在其后必须跟有函数名和包括形式参数的圆括号。
It must be followed by the function name and the parenthesized list
9. 圆括号什么意思
9. 或者,你可以在圆括号内输入你需要获得帮助的事物。
Alternatively, you can put something inside the parentheses which you want to get help on.
10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
10. 我想我用太多圆括号在本段)。
I think I used way too many parenthesis in this paragraph.
11. 圆括号什么意思
11. 这是方便使用圆括号和管道符号在一起。
It is handy to use the parentheses and the pipe symbol together.
12. 圆括号的翻译
12. 像这样的序列常常被放在中括号里[1,2,3,4]或者在圆括号里(1,2,3,4)。
A sequence like this will often be written either in square brackets [1, 2, 3, 4] or in parentheses (1, 2, 3, 4).
13. 圆括号什么意思
13. 但我们还是建议使用圆括号,因为这可以使表达式的条件部分更易于阅读。
They are advisable anyway, however, since they make the condition part of the expression easier to see.
14. 你可以使用圆括号,并履行所有的数学函数在这同样的方式。
Forumla! You can use parenthesis and perform all the math functions in this same way.
15. 圆括号是什么意思
15. 在正则表达式中的圆括号表示其中的字符串是被包含文件的名字。
The parentheses in the regular expression indicate which part of the string is the name of the included file.
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16. 该类型转换的方法是由包含在变量名之前的圆括号内的前缀变量类型来运行的。
The method of typecasting is done by prefixing the variable type enclosed by parenthesis before the variable name.
17. 圆括号
17. 方括号在某些语境中用以传达特殊信息,尤其当圆括号同时
Kinds of information, especially when round brackets
18. 圆括号在线翻译
18. 请注意元组并不是依靠圆括号构成的,而是使用逗号。
Note that tuples are not formed by the parentheses, but rather by use of the comma operator.
19. 可以让光标从它当前所在的括号跳转到与它相匹配的括号上去,对花括号和圆括号,方括号都有效,常用于手工检查括号是否匹对。
Takes you to the matching parenthesis, curly brace, or bracket, depending on what you are on. This always comes in handy as a quick double-check.
20. 括号匹配:%可以让光标从它当前所在的括号跳转到与它相匹配的括号上去,对花括号和圆括号,方括号都有效,常用于手工检查括号是否匹对。
Takes you to the matching parenthesis, curly brace, or bracket, dependingon what you are on. This always comes in handy as a quick double-check.