1. 围抱的解释
1. 我想你!我的思念围抱着你
I think of thee!
2. 围抱的近义词
2. 一塞北的春天,姗姗而来。军营在软绿的白杨围抱下,象一座绿色的城堡。
Barback is in soft green poplar is surrounded hold in the arms below, resemble the castle of a green.
3. 前面是一片白亮亮的湖水,湖水好像一弯新月,围抱着对岸,人立在这里望得见湖心亭和弯曲的桥。
Ahead were the shining waters of a crescent-shaped lake, embracing the opposite bank in its curve.
4. 东区住宅楼布局基本均为南北向,并呈弧形相互围抱成相对闭合的庭院空间,且住宅楼北高南低,使得小区居民无论在何位置均有机会观赏到华南MALL的靓丽街景。
At the east part of the residential, buildings have their main face of south.
5. 一次他玩乐之际,见到其刘二叔的一家围抱合拢起来,土山顶部十分平坦而且长各种各样高低参差的树木。
The occasion of his first play, to see its di-tert-Liu Wai hold a fold up very flat at the top of mountain soil and a long variety of mixed high and low trees.
6. 那我便能让我孩子在爱围抱中成长。
So I can bring my kids up surrounded by love.
7. 我站在威尼斯的叹息桥上,一边是宫殿,一边是牢房。举目看时,许多建筑物忽地从河里升起,仿佛魔术师挥动魔棍后出现的奇迹。千年的岁月用阴暗的翅膀将我围抱,垂死的荣誉还在向着久远的过去微笑,记得当年多少个藩邦远远地仰望,插翅雄狮之国的许多大理石的高房:威尼斯庄严地坐镇在一百个岛上!
I stood in Venice on the Bridge of Sighs, a palace and prison on each hand; I saw from out the wave of her structure's rise, As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand; A thousand years their cloudy wings expand around me, and a dying Glory smiles O'er the far times, when many a subject land Look'd to the winged Lion's marble pines, where Venice sat in state, throned on her hundred isles.
8. 围抱的反义词
8. 村庄为群山围抱。
The village is surrounded by mountains.