

困穷[kùn qióng]


词典under great financial difficulty困穷。

词典very poor窘迫;困穷;窘困;纳履踵决。

困穷 汉英大词典

困穷[kùn qióng]

under great financial difficulty; very poor; impoverished

困穷 双语例句

1. 困穷是什么意思

1. 您要是有什么意见,尽管向我的主上提出;一切困穷无告的人,都可以沾沐他的深恩厚泽。
    Make your full reference freely to my lord, Who is so full of grace, that it flows overYour sweet dependency; and you shall find

2. 法官说,他已有考虑到是索马里的困穷状况导致这些人沦为海盗。
    The judge said he took into account the difficult conditions in Somalia that led the men to piracy.

3. 正是在此需人之际,怀有大志雄略的诗人张际亮,却屡遭谗毁,被摈于下,常年仆仆风尘于路,一生困穷潦倒。
    In the meanwhile optimums were pored out to China by the capital countries for Chinese silvers and anesthetizing the people as well as they invaded China by army.

4. 困穷的解释

4. 对你供献不会使世界困穷
    Thy worship does not impoverish the world.

5. 解决困穷问题的资源和知识是有的,慈善机构说,但是常常缺乏政客致力于解决这一问题上。
    The resources and knowledge about how to end poverty are available, Catholic Charities says, but what is often lacking is political leaders'willingness to take action.

6. 我{定卡尼和艾斯特洛是饥寒交迫困穷而死的,各位听明白了没有?
    It is my official verdict that Charles Carney and Stephen Estelow came to their death by cold, hunger and privation. Is that understood?

7. 一个人虽然既不勇敢,也不困穷,然而为了倦于屡次作同一的事,也会寻死的。
    A man would die, though he were neither valiant, nor miserable, only upon a weariness to do the same thing so oft, over and over.

8. 对你供献不会使世界困穷。人们从诗人的字句里,选取自己心爱的意义:但是诗句的最终意义是指向着你。
    The river has its everyday work to do and hastens through fields and hamlets; yet its incessant stream winds towards the washing of thy feet.
